Saturday 22 August 2015

Painting movement trays for warhammer

Thursday 16 April 2015

Project: Knights of Morr

Project: Knights of Morr

Today i decided to investigate how the knights of Stirland should look like, and i found that in Stirland, close to the Sylvanian border, there is a small city called Siegfriedhof. This city hosts the Templars of Morr.. the Knights of Morr.. black, deadly and silent on the battlefield.. This is defenitly what i like :)

So this is the first step of this unit.. assembling it with one already painted (in wrong colors AND varnished.... Doh!)

The unit commander can either be the assembled general, as seen in the bottom right corner of the picture or one of my two elector counts as seen on the picture below. I must admit that I would prefer the elector count, but which one??

Well.. i have tried to start up one the first horse, just to get an idea of how to paint it.

So far i have painted the armor with abbaddon black and given all the edges a thin line of the old GW paint "Adeptus Battlegrey".


I might get a decent outcome, once the higlights of the horse itself is done and the ground aswell..

This is the final (first) horse of my Knights of Morr group.. i do like the outcome and I am looking forward to do the knight :)


I made a little progress on the model today. Most work on the knight himself.


Today i based all the horses with Chaos Black. The one horse with the yellow barding (seen  in the middle on the top image) was easy to correct, as it has only been given a single layer of yellow.. The one with the yellow barding to the far right is another case. This horse and knight has been painted and then dipped with armypainter dip, so correcting the colors is a bit more difficult, but the result on the horse is maskable as the primary color is black. The knight that has been dipped (seen on the picture below as the one with yellow head feathers to the right) might be a way more difficult task. Nevetheless.. all horses has now been given a black base and the first heavly line markup of dark grey has been applied. Before i give it a more bright grey as highlight i have to tidy the lines up a bit. And as a bonus.. i found a completely unassembled horse and its partly assembled knight.

Today i made a custom base for the knights.. Plan is to sand and paint it the same way as the bases

First knight completely done :) YAY!!


Second knight done and the homemade movement tray aswell..


Sunday 12 April 2015

Project:Tyranid Termagant (Hivefleet Leviathan)

Project:Tyranid Termagant (Hivefleet Leviathan)

This weekend i also began painting some of my Tyranids (nothing fancy - just plain troops)

I have decided to paint them using the Hivefleet Leviathan paint Scheme.

unfornutanely i didn't take any pictures during the painting process- I will have to catch up one this task.

These are the final pictures:

Tyranid Termagant (Hivefleet Leviathan) Tyranid Termagant (Hivefleet Leviathan)

Project: Orc Boy of the Evil Sunz (Warhammer 40K)

Project: Orc Boy of the Evil Sunz (Warhammer 40K)

This and Warhammer 40K Orc Boy, also from the Evil Sunz - as the fantasy one(s) i also have on this blog.

Again my son let me try to paint some of his Warhammer 40K Orc Boyz of the Evil Sunz clan.

I also really enjoyed to paint this model :)

And again i completely forgot to take pictures during the painting process, so i will have to catch up on this with my next 40K Orc model. I do have some pictures of the complete model though:

 Orc Boy of the Evil Sunz

Project: Orc Boy of the Evil Sunz

Project: Orc Boy of the Evil Sunz

This is my first orc in a long, long time..

So my son let me try to paint some of his warhammer fantasy Orc Boyz of the Evil Sunz clan.

I really enjoyed to paint this model. i had som much fun! :)

Anyway.. I completely forgot to take pictures during the painting process, so i will have to catch up on this with my next fantasy orc model. I do have some pictures of the complete model though:

Orc Boy of the Evil Sunz 


Thursday 15 January 2015

Project: Stirland State Trooper with Spear

Project: Stirland State Trooper with Spear

I have also begun painting my chunk of Empire State Troopers. I have a pile of already assembled troops. They have been assembled with spears and swords.. A bit unfortunate as i need them with Halberds. but i will paint them anyway.

This is the first test model i have painted and i will make a painting guide once i begin with my second model:

Project: Stirland Greatswords Unit

Project: Stirland Greatswords Unit

Hi there.

This blogpost is to show the progress of my greatswords unit as i finish the models.

It might take a while, but i promise to keep you updates as i make progress.

This is some of the pictures (i will update as i make progress)

The mini in the front to the far right, is a miniature bought in the mid 80's. Eventhough he has a different pose than the others, i will still add him for old times sake :)

I still haven't decided what to paint on the small yellow shields of their armor, but i might follow the suggestion made by Jack Wainhouse on my Stirland Greatswords painting video, were his suggestion was to paint some sort of eagles.

I found these eagles on the internet, which i might go for

I will keep you updated :)