Project: Empire Stirland Greatswordsman
I have a lot of Empire troops to paint as well. This first miniature is taken from a unit of Greatswords I have. all unpainted of course. Why I decided to paint this miniature, I don't know, but I really liked how he turned out. As all my upcoming empire troops, he is from Stirland making his primary colours Yellow and green.
Why Stirland colours? Before I had read anything about the Empire countries and their colour schemes, I had already painted up some plain foot soldiers with yellow and green. So when finding out that they used same colours scheme in Stirland, naturally I continued with this.
This is how he turned out:
Stage 1: undercoating
I decided to undercoat the miniature with Skull White. Maybe next time I will try to undercoat with Chaos Black since a lot of this miniature is armour, which needs to be black anyways.
Stage 2: base colors
I used the following colors as basecolors for this miniature:
Metal: Abbadon Black
Feather:Woodland Green (later Snot Green and now: Warpstone Glow)
Yellow: Averland Sunset
Flesh: Elf Flesh (Now: Bestigor Flesh)
Reds: Mechrite Red (Now: Mephiston Red)
Hair: Zandri Dust
Hat: Snakebite Leather (Now: Balor Brown)
Pouch: Zandri Dust
Belt: Snakebite Leather (Now: Balor Brown)
Gold: Balthasar Gold
All metals was then painted with Leadbelcher
Stage 3: shading
I used the following colours as shades for this miniature:
Metal: Nuln Oil
Feather: Coelia Greenshade
Yellow: Agrax Earthshade
Flesh: Reikland Fleshtone
Reds: Carroburg Crimson
Hair: Agrax Earthshade
Hat: Agrax Earthshade
Pouch: Agrax Earthshade
Belt: Nuln Oil
Gold: Reikland Fleshtone
Stage 4: Highlights
I used the following colors as highlights for this miniature:Metal: Ironbreaker
Feather: Woodland Green (Now: Warpstone Glow)
Yellow: Golden Yellow (Now: Yriel Yellow)
Flesh: Elf Flesh (Now: Bestigor Flesh)
Reds: Evil Sunz Scarlet
Hair: Zandri Dust
Hat: Snakebite Leather (Now: Balor Brown)
Pouch: Zandri Dust
Belt: Snakebite Leather (now: Balor Brown)
Gold: Auric Armour
Stage 5: Extreme Highlights, Edge Highlights
I used the following colors as extreme highlights and edge highlights for this miniature:
Metal: Runefang Steel
Feather:& Warpstone Glow with White Scar added to it
Yellow:& Yriel Yellow with White Scar added to it
Flesh: & Bestigor Flesh with White Scar added to it.
Reds: Troll Slayer Orange
Hair: & Zandri Dust with White Scar added to it
Hat: Zandri Dust
Pouch: & Zandri Dust with White Scar added to it
Belt: Zandri Dust
Gold: Runefang Steel
I have made a youtube video of one of my painting sessions of a Stirland Greatsword. You can see it here :)
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