Project:Blood Angel Scout
I have had this scout since around 1990 i guess. And today i have finally painted it!! YAY :)
Anyway, this is the model (Picture found on the internet as i had already primed the model before taking Pictures):
Although i love the new sniper scouts i do really love the old ones too.. Some of them look really mean >:)
This is how i painted the mini (Whenever i use paintpots with old Citadel names i will try to write the new names for the Citadel paint range within the Parentheses):
I began with priming the miniature with Army Painters Pure Red Primer.
First the Pictures after applying the first layer of paints:
And this is the paints used for the first step:
Citadel White Scar
Abbadon Black, with Leadbelcher on top
Edges of shoulderpad etc:
Death World Forest
Middle of shoulderpad:
Zandri Dust
Dwarf Flesh (Ratskin Flesh)
Belt and pouches:
Scorched Brown (Rhinox Hide)
Next the washes:
Skin and red areas:
Reikland Fleshshade
Shoulderpad and similar camo areas:
Athonian Camoshade
Metal areas:
Nuln Oil
Brown and white:
Agrax Earthshade
Then the highlights:
Dwarf flesh (Ratskin Flesh)
Evil Sunz Scarlet (Blood Red)
Boltgun Metal (Leadbelcher)
White Scar
Edge of shoulderpads:
Death Wold Forest
Center of shouldpads:
Zandri Dust
Pouches, belt etc:
Scorched Brown (Rhinox Hide)
Final Highlights (edges):
Elf Flesh (Bestigor Flesh)
Troll Slayer Orange
Mithril Silver (Runefang Steel)
Edge of Shoulderpads:
Death World Forest with White Scar
Center of Shoulderpads:
Karak Stone
Snakebite leather (Balor Brown)