Sunday 16 November 2014

Test: White vs Black undercoat on Skeletons

Test: White vs Black undercoat on Skeletons

I have always wondered if there would be a huge difference on final colors, when painting a minature with Skull White undercoat and a Chaos Black undercoat. So i had to test this.

I have also created a video of the process on my youtube channel

The miniatures i chose for this test was two Vampire Counts Skeletons.

STEP 1: Undercoating the miniatures:

The two miniatures was primed/undercoated with Chaos Black and Skull White

STEP 2: First layer of paint.
Both models was painted with Zandri Dust on all the bone areas. Since this is the old GW vampires, they have a lot of visible bone compared to the new skeleton releases.

STEP 3: Painting other details.
I quickly painted other details such as spear and shield. The wood areas (spears and backside of the shields)was painted with Bestial Brown, the metal with Bolt Gun Metal and the red on the shields was painted with Mechrite Red.

STEP 4: Wash the model 
The entire model was given a wash with Nuln Oil. Since these are skeletons for a Vampire Counts army, they have to look at bit like they have just emerged from the soil of the graveyard..

STEP 5: First layer after wash
Once the wash i completely dry (this can take a while) i gently painted all the exposed areas of the bone with the same base color i started out with: Zandri Dust.

STEP 6: Highlights and final touches
The models bone was then highlighted with a slightly thinned down Screaming Skull. The staffs on the spears was also given a slight touch of the same base color, Bestial Brown. The metal areas was painted with GW technical paints Typhus Corrosion" and "Ryza Rust" to given them a nice rusty look. Edges of the metal was painted/drybrushed with the side of the brush (not the tip) using Chainmail.


Wednesday 5 November 2014

Paintguide: Vampire Counts Skeletons

This is my first Warhammer regiment which I have finally decided to finish. It is a collection of all sorts of skeletons. Skeleton from the old plastic sprue kit. Skeletons from the small box-sets containing 8 (I think) plastic skeletons and some old metal ones. I often buy used sets of miniatures if I can see that they are worth repainting and some of these skeletons are from this pool of miniatures as well.

As you can see on the pictures above, some of the miniatures are almost complete, some haven't even been base coated yet and some needs a repaint :)

I did create a smaller customized banner bearer with a banner arm/pole from the Khemri skeleton plastic sprue and i also took some parts from the Khemri skeleton Plastic box set for the musician.

This is the champion (Wight) i use for this regiment. It is an rather old metal miniature, but fun and nice to finally (re)paint.

I am now almost done with this first regiment and only need the basic painting on three skeletons

Most of the miniatures are now completely done with the basing. This is some of the miniatures:

The rear rank consist of these five skellies. The one on the outer left is somewhat converted as i straightened a plastic skeleton up to a straight position. Furthermore i changed the spear-head with an axe from the skeleton hand weapons sprue. The skeleton in the middle also got a loop around his neck.

The next rank consist of three (from the left) repainted skeletons from the small skeleton pack with fixed shield/arms etc. The second skeleton from the right has been converted in a way that hee looks like he is emerging from the ground.

Two of these four skeletons are to be placed in the fron row. I have not decided on both, except the one to the right. I have "tied" a rope to the spear.

This is the command group with a musician, standard bearer and Wight Champion.

The base is a basic GW green base, were i glued sand to the edges and did some painting and flocking :)

Paintguide: Blood Angels Rhino

This was my very first vehicle that i bought a loong time ago. It used to have simple bolters on the roof, but they were long gone when i decided to paint the Rhino :(

But now it is finished and i quite enjoy painting it, which is the most important thing

Project: Blood Angel Lt. Commander

Lieutenant Commander

I have this old picture of the blister set, where this section is regarding the Lt. Commander on the far left.

This is also a metal figure i bought a long time ago. Its a Mark 6 fitted Lieutenant Commander with a special shoulder/arm and a power sword. This is not finished yet, i just thought that i would post some pictures if my progress :)

I am sorry for the quality of the pictures. Those were taken with my phone....

I decided to change his backpack with one from the deathcompany's. so except from the last touches with white highlightning, the base and the last varnish, the model is now done.
(Will upload better pictures later)




I decided to redo the power sword and be done with the shading and highlights. The mini was far to bright for my opinion. So this is the final result, with only minor corrections left to be done:



Paintguide: Blood Angel Assault Squad

This is the beginning of my assault squad.

I have started to paint the very first marine of my assault squad.
This model is still in progress and there is still a lot of painting to be done.
First i need a lot more details. Then i need a yellow helmet.


Paintguide: Vampire Counts Skull Chucker

Vampire Counts: Undead Skull Chucker (or and old Screaming Skull Catapult)

First.. i know that this is not for the Vampire Counts army, but i don't have a Tomb Kings army and this old version is pre Vampire Counts/Tomb Kings hence the "wrong" headline. I just wanted to paint one of these models (and hopefully both) and don't have a Tobm Kings section :P

BUT.. This is the pre-Tomb Kings version of the Screaming Skull catapult.

I found two sets of skull chuckers - unpainted but glued. So i figured that these two warmachines needed and deserved to be painted.

This is two pictures of the unpainted base model
Skeleton Skull Chucker or Screaming Skull Catapult

I decided to build a custom base and glue it all upon this base to ease the handling of the model(s).

I am sorry to say that i missed taking pictures of the base building, but the idea is that i cut a square out of the transparent front cover of a CD case. On this base i glued edges formed from the leftovers (edges) of the plastic sprues which i have cut nicely edges upon. I  then glued the models on the base of the square and then finally i glued 2 layers of rough sand. On the sand i also glued two rocks and two mushrooms made of greenstuff.

I painted the sand in chaos black. Once done i painted a rough layer of Scorched Brown, leaving the darkest areas black. Upon the brown layer I drybrushed (leaving more paint on the brush than during a normal drybrush) a layer of Dark Angels green. to highlight i gave a layer of drybrushed Scorpion Green (now called Moot Greed)

So.. this is where i am at the moment. I will continue to post updates as i find time to continue. I have though - made a broken fence that i intend to place in front of the Skull Chucker once it is finished

The skull chucker is now finished and this is the result:

Skeleton Skull Chucker or Screaming Skull Catapult

Skeleton Skull Chucker or Screaming Skull Catapult

Skeleton Skull Chucker or Screaming Skull Catapult

Skeleton Skull Chucker or Screaming Skull Catapult

These are the stats found on the Skull Chucker:

Screaming Skull Catapult / or Undead Skull Chucker 
(Used in a newer version in the Tomb kings Army, but this version was used in an undead warhammer army before it got split up to a Vampire Counts and a Tomb kings army.)

Pts. 74

Range 48"
Str 7
Save none
D3 Wounds /hit

Screaming Skull Catapult----73---
Skeleton Crew422331215

Unit Size: 1
Equipment: Hand weapon; Light armour
Special Rules: Nehekharan Undead, Screaming Skulls