Sunday 16 November 2014

Test: White vs Black undercoat on Skeletons

Test: White vs Black undercoat on Skeletons

I have always wondered if there would be a huge difference on final colors, when painting a minature with Skull White undercoat and a Chaos Black undercoat. So i had to test this.

I have also created a video of the process on my youtube channel

The miniatures i chose for this test was two Vampire Counts Skeletons.

STEP 1: Undercoating the miniatures:

The two miniatures was primed/undercoated with Chaos Black and Skull White

STEP 2: First layer of paint.
Both models was painted with Zandri Dust on all the bone areas. Since this is the old GW vampires, they have a lot of visible bone compared to the new skeleton releases.

STEP 3: Painting other details.
I quickly painted other details such as spear and shield. The wood areas (spears and backside of the shields)was painted with Bestial Brown, the metal with Bolt Gun Metal and the red on the shields was painted with Mechrite Red.

STEP 4: Wash the model 
The entire model was given a wash with Nuln Oil. Since these are skeletons for a Vampire Counts army, they have to look at bit like they have just emerged from the soil of the graveyard..

STEP 5: First layer after wash
Once the wash i completely dry (this can take a while) i gently painted all the exposed areas of the bone with the same base color i started out with: Zandri Dust.

STEP 6: Highlights and final touches
The models bone was then highlighted with a slightly thinned down Screaming Skull. The staffs on the spears was also given a slight touch of the same base color, Bestial Brown. The metal areas was painted with GW technical paints Typhus Corrosion" and "Ryza Rust" to given them a nice rusty look. Edges of the metal was painted/drybrushed with the side of the brush (not the tip) using Chainmail.


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