Vampire Counts Tomb Banshee
Uuuhh I have really looked forward to paint this model. I simply love the posture it has.
I began the painting project with googleling what and how people out there painted this model. I really love the colorscheme this model has on the picture of its package, so i found WarbossTae's youtube video on how he painted the model to look like the picture on the package. I decided to follow his directions as close as i could with the colors i had at hand.
This is the list of used colors:
This is the list of used colors:
New Citadel Color Name | Old Citadel Color Name | Vallejo Color Name |
Mephiston Red | Mechrite Red | Heavy Red (141) |
Celestra Grey | Astronomicon Grey | Heavy Bluegrey (144) |
Fenrisian Grey | Space Wolves Grey | Wolf Grey (047) |
Caledor Sky | Enchanted Blue | Magic Blue (021) |
Abaddon Black | Chaos Black | Chaos Black / Black (051) |
Nuln Oil (shade) | Badab Black Wash | Black Wash (73201) |
Sotek Green | Hawk Turquoise | Falcon Turquoise (024) |
Balor Brown | Snakebite Leather | Cobra Leather /Leather Brown (040) |
Ushabti Bone | Bleached Bone | Bonewhite (034) |
White Scar | Skull White* | Dead White (001) |
Step 1:
Undercoat the entire model with white. As you can see on the back of her dress, i hadn't assembled the miniature well enough, so i had to use some Liquid Green Stuff to fill the big gap in the lower part of her dress.
Step 2:
Paint her hair with
Citadel Mechrite Red (new name: Mephiston Red; Vallejo Heavy Red 141)
Paint her dress and skin (except her face) with a watered down
Citadel Astronomicon Grey (New name: Celestra Grey; Vallejo Heavy Bluegrey 144)
I do not have the Astronomicon/Celestra Grey in my paintrange, so i had to look at the color and see what i could mix from my own colors. The Celestral Grey is a light gray with a vague blueish tone to it. I had a really old bottle of Citadel Space Wolves Grey (New name: Fenrisan Grey; Vallejo Wolf Grey 47) at hand and a bottle of Citadel Enchanted Blue (New name: Caledor Sky; Vallejo Magoc Blue 021) . With that i made a mix similar to the Celestra Grey
Paint her armor Abaddon Black
Undercoat the entire model with white. As you can see on the back of her dress, i hadn't assembled the miniature well enough, so i had to use some Liquid Green Stuff to fill the big gap in the lower part of her dress.
Step 2:
Paint her hair with
Citadel Mechrite Red (new name: Mephiston Red; Vallejo Heavy Red 141)
Paint her dress and skin (except her face) with a watered down
Citadel Astronomicon Grey (New name: Celestra Grey; Vallejo Heavy Bluegrey 144)
I do not have the Astronomicon/Celestra Grey in my paintrange, so i had to look at the color and see what i could mix from my own colors. The Celestral Grey is a light gray with a vague blueish tone to it. I had a really old bottle of Citadel Space Wolves Grey (New name: Fenrisan Grey; Vallejo Wolf Grey 47) at hand and a bottle of Citadel Enchanted Blue (New name: Caledor Sky; Vallejo Magoc Blue 021) . With that i made a mix similar to the Celestra Grey
Paint her armor Abaddon Black
Step 3:
Paint Badab Black Wash (new name: Nuln Oil) into her hair and face.
Step 4:
Paint her dress and arms with a heavy watered down Citadel Hawk Turquoise (New name: Sotek Green; Vallejo Falco Turquoise 024)
As you might have noticed i did the same error as WarbossTae regarding the waterratio on this color. I thought i has a decent ratio, but please be aware that there should be a lot of water and very little paint.
Step 5:
Paint a watered (60 water/40 Paint) down Astronomicon Grey on on all higher areas as seen on the picture on top of this page. I did water it quite a lot more down, and then applied more layers of this paint. This gives me a bit more control on the highliight.
The first one or two layers gave this look:
After layer 3 and 4 the model looked like this:
You can now see the higlight is on place.
Step 6:
Her armor has a vague brownish look on the edges, so i used Snake Bite Leather on all the edges of the armour. This was also drybrushed a bit up on the armor itself. The very edges of the armor was painted with bleached bone
After some final higlights with heavily thinned down white to the dress and skull, and some black cleaning up on her armor, the model is finally done. It has been really fun to paint this model.
My aim was to make the colors as true as the original box picture, and i think that the result is fairly good:
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